
” The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today.”

H Jackson Brown, Jr.

Bringing value

If people are moved to share their amazing experiences about your business, then you are doing something right!

@keevotv @localizeittt has been building such a list I believe. They’ve helped me to find a few local businesses before out of reach things, like ….who makes Macrame pieces? Boom…They provided.


If it is one family who knows how much talent there is in T&T is the Localize-it family. I love the work they do to highlight our local creatives….but there us so much work to do. Had to berate some colleagues of mine when they announced that they eating foreign ice cream…I was appalled…so much GREAT local ice cream available with REAL ingredients and the eating “filler”…shocking! Spread the word Localize-it tt cause there are lots who need to hear the message!

The JD Collection TT

When you on a mission to showcase the work of T&T creatives and service providers, consider the TVC your partner! Localize-it tt have featured many of the markets and locales that our TVC members are a part of. Make Localize-it tt one of your information sources for all things fantastic in T&T.

The Vendors Collaborative

Thanks for highlighting my work 😀 you guys are really doing a great Job of promoting our local artisan! I’m hoping to have some new stuff to post soon 😀 This lock down seems to have drained all my motivation sadly but I’m working on getting things up and running soo! Seeing this post reminded me how much I enjoy doing markets and meeting everybody..Stay Safe and keep doing what you’re doing.
